The Difference Between Bermuda and Seashore Paspalum
What’s the Difference Between Bermuda and Seashore Paspalum?
This is a common question that our Arizona sod professionals are asked by customers and business owners alike. When deciding to re-sod your lawn, it’s important to research all the different varieties of sod available. If you know that a warm season grass is best, then you’re most likely trying to decide between a bermuda grass or Seashore Paspalum.
When comparing similarities of these two warm-season grasses one thing is for sure: they both thrive in warm climates. This means that both grasses are water friendly, can withstand drought conditions and are durable under heavy foot traffic. Also, remember that these types of warm season grasses go dormant during the winter and will require overseeding to maintain year-round coloring. Read the rest of this entry »
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Tips for Watering Sod Wisely
Water Wisely
Everyone wants a lush, green lawn! But not everyone knows the proper maintenance procedures to follow to achieve such a look. One of the biggest factors in keeping your lawn healthy and green is water. Luckily, our sod and lawn care experts have the exact tips you need for watering sod wisely!
Before we begin, keep in mind that the amount of water you should give your lawn depends on the age of your sod. You would not water new sod the same way in which you water established turfgrass. Also, we’d like to remind you that the type of sod you’ve installed in your lawn will determine the type of watering schedule to abide by.
For instance, warm season and cool season turf grasses need different amounts of sunlight and water to grow and thus need to be tended to differently. However, there are still some general tips and guidelines for watering that all lawn owners should follow. Read the rest of this entry »
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Spring Lawn Transition Questions Answered for California and Arizona Sod!
Spring has sprung and your warm season sod might need a little help with the transition in California and Arizona. Mr. Wise Grass is here to help! Check out his latest video for tips on how to keep your lawn looking the best in the neighborhood!
Step By Step Transitioning for California and Arizona Sod
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Which Warm Season Grass is Right for My Lawn?
Choosing A Warm Season Grass
If you live anywhere where temperatures easily soar into the 90s during the summer, then chances are you’re looking for a drought tolerant warm-season sod grass for your lawn. Characterized by their innate ability to thrive in warm temperatures with little water, warm season grass is the key to keeping your lawn green. (Even if you live in the desert.)
When you’re deciding which warm-season grass is right for your lawn, there are a few additional things you should keep in mind besides the climate. Before you choose the type of grass you should know: your budget, the level of maintenance you’re willing to perform, the kind of texture you’re looking for and the functionality of the area where you’ll be installing the turfgrass.
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Best Organic Fertilizers for Arizona Sod
Going organic seems to be the trend lately. So, why not take this trend to your lawn by using organic fertilizers on your Arizona sod? It’s easier than you may think.
Organic lawn fertilizers are extremely beneficial to both your soil and the environment. They’re also very effective at providing the necessary nutrients your grass needs. When used regularly, organic fertilizers improve overall soil structure while encouraging the presence of soil microbes and fungi that work to attack pests and potential diseases. Proper maintenance practices, like aeration and mowing, along with the use of organic fertilizer can make your lawn less labor and water intensive in the long run.
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Early Spring Lawn Care Tips for Arizona Sod
Spring has finally sprung! Is your lawn ready for the change in weather? Whether you’re the type of homeowner who lets their grass go dormant in the winter or the type who keeps their lawn green year-round, you’ll certainly want some important early Spring lawn care tips.
That’s because Spring is the most important time of the year when it comes to proper lawn care. So, put on your gardening gloves, now is the time to prep your lawn for warmer weather. Lucky for you, our sod experts have all the aeration, fertilizing, and watering tips you need to keep your Arizona lawn healthy and green all summer long.
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Keep your Athletic Field Running All Year Long with Arizona Sod
Players may be ready to hit the field, but before they do the field must be ready for the players first. Since different sport’s seasons run all year long, and many fields have a multi-sport purpose, keeping your athletic field in the best condition for players and fans alike may be easier said than done.
Is your athletic field ready for the sport’s seasons to come? To answer that question, you must first understand the main components that make up a well-built field. The three main components of a well-built athletic field are: safety, playability and aesthetics. To accomplish these three components, there is only one factor to keep in mind.
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Sod Tips: Keep Your Lawn Green Year-Round
No one likes a brown lawn! Are you taking the necessary steps to keep your lawn green year-round?
Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as simply laying new sod, watering it and hoping for the best. Proper sod care and maintenance requires a year-round commitment to your lawn. Lucky for you, our sod experts have compiled a seasonal guide to provide you with some easy steps you can take throughout the year to ensure your sod stays healthy and green even in the harshest weather.
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