Fall California and Arizona Lawn Care
Time to Tune Up Your Turf
Fall is the perfect time to fine tune your lawn. By preparing your warm season turfgrass for dormancy and overseeding with ryegrass for the cool season, you can take the necessary steps to ensure your lawn stays green throughout the holidays and into spring. If you’ve already overseeded, or are still planning to overseed then these Arizona lawn care tips will help you make the most of your lawn this fall.
We’re filling you in on the best way to fertilize, water, mow and maintain both your cool season turf and your dormant warm season sod. Read the rest of this entry »
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Halloween Lawn Decorations That Protect Your Turfgrass
Outdoor Halloween Decorations That Won’t Damage Your Turfgrass
Halloween is right around the corner, which means, it’s time to start getting out the end of year decorations. However, if you just overseeded your lawn for the fall, you’re probably wondering how you can decorate without damaging your newly seeded lawn. Before you get out the graveyard scene and inflatable pumpkins, consider how you can protect your newly overseeded turf from damage by taking a more strategic approach to decorating this year.There are a variety of options for Halloween lawn decorations that will preserve the health of your turfgrass. Read the rest of this entry »
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Sod for Baseball Fields
Batter up!
With baseball season going in post season, you may be wondering, how do they keep the grass so green? Despite heavy foot traffic, unruly weather conditions and off-season use, baseball fields are notoriously known for their prestigious presentation. The main cause for the luscious green appearance of the field obviously comes from proper field maintenance, but the bigger, more important factor starts with the type of sod used on the field itself. There are four types of sod for baseball fields that are commonly found throughout MLB stadiums. See which varieties made the list for most popular turgrasses in the major leagues. Read the rest of this entry »
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