Your Backyard Putting Green from West Coast Turf
With perpetually pleasant weather on the West Coast, fall (and even winter) can be the perfect time for outdoor activities. One new idea that we love for homeowners, is a backyard putting green. For those who love golf and have room to spare in their yard, this one is a no-brainer. In the initial planning of this project, the first decision is whether to use natural or artificial turf. There are many benefits to using natural instead of synthetic turf. California or Arizona sod is less expensive to install and has a more natural look with nearly identical conditions to a real golf course. In addition, the holes are also easy to move around. For those who are proud of their lawn care as well as their golf game, this is the perfect overlap of hobbies. Here are the steps to building your own backyard putting green.
- Select a desirable spot. This doesn’t need to be a huge plot of land, but should get a reasonable amount of sunlight and not feature many steep hills.
- Dig approximately 10 inches which you will then fill in with sand and then your turf.
- Install drainage. To keep your turf grass from getting soggy and prone to disease. For these purposes, a 4-inch perforated drainage pipe is the industry standard.
- Cap with sand. You will need golf course sand for this, which drains easily. This type of sand has to meet the US Golf Association specifications, which you can find at any home improvement store.
- Sod it. This is where West Coast Turf comes in. We will consult with you and provide you with the best advice on which sod to purchase and what will work best in this situation and for your climate.
- The final touches. You’ll want to buy a hole puncher and place cups inside. Lawn care is very important to maintain. You’ll need a mower that’s designed for mowing greens, and a roller would be handy to have too. A common height for greens is ⅛ of an inch, with ¼ inch around the edges. Growing rough around your greens is another idea and completely up to your specifications.
West Coast Turf handles all of your natural turfgrass needs. Please visit us online to find out what we can do to help:
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