Removing Common Bermudagrass Before You Establish a New Lawn-PLUS “TIP OF THE WEEK!”
Many homeowners in older neighborhoods have seeded their lawns with common bermudagrass to fix areas or to establish new lawns. Now they have realize they can’t seem to get rid of it when they want to. This is one of the most difficult grasses to eradicate, but I am going to tell you a way that will save some of the pain and help reduce the problem. Read the rest of this entry »
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Time to Feed Your Lawn! And What About This Humidity?
The monsoons are upon us, and so is the humidity. We need to take advantage of it and get our lawns and sod filled in while we have optimal growing weather. Read the rest of this entry »
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Your Lawn and the Battle Against Nutsedge
Trying to win a battle with nutsedge is one of the most difficult challenges many homeowners face with their lawns. Many people have noticed that you can spray and spray and spray before you put in that new pristine lawn only to find that the nutsedge just keeps coming back as you start to water. There is some hope out there to help solve the problem, but patience is going to be right at the top of the list along with a few steps I will outline. Read the rest of this entry »
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2010 MLB All Star Game on West Coast Turf
Our sales guy got “called up” to the big league to work on the groundscrew for the All Star game @ Angel Stadium! We thought we’d share some of the photos, and let you know we can help you have the same grass you see here….. Read the rest of this entry »
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