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Rose Bowl gets fresh field for BCS Championship

Jay is enjoying his holiday, but we thought we’d pass on some exciting turf news on to you anyhow!  We have an exciting project going on this New Years Day in the world of college football (and sorry Jay, there is no “Michigan” involved in this story….). Read the rest of this entry »

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Preparing your soil for sod

The preparation of your soil is as important as the quality of the sod you put down.  If your ground is not prepped right to begin with, you can anticipate several problems down the road.  I am going to lay out a few easy steps for you to follow to make sure that your ground is ready to go for sod. Read the rest of this entry »

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Getting your lawn “Golf Course Green.”

As we approach the colder months of the year you may notice that your ryegrass is starting to turn a little brown in color and lose some of that new “bright green” color. Read the rest of this entry »

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Save money on seed and water with seashore paspalum

I have written about the seashore paspalums in past blogs, but I think it’s important that I go over the information again.  It’s December 1st –what does your dormant turf look like? Read the rest of this entry »

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