Spring Lawn Transition Questions Answered for California and Arizona Sod!
Spring has sprung and your warm season sod might need a little help with the transition in California and Arizona. Mr. Wise Grass is here to help! Check out his latest video for tips on how to keep your lawn looking the best in the neighborhood!
Step By Step Transitioning for California and Arizona Sod
1. Gradually lower your mowing heights to reduce the turf canopy. Warm season grasses are not shade tolerant and excess ryegrass provides shade. No need to scalp the lawn, rather just lower the height and begin to thin out the grass.
2. Lightly verticut the lawn to open up the canopy and let sunlight into the grass below.
3. Be careful of fertilizer rates at this time of the year. Stick to slow release products such as Soil Burst 4-4-2, or Turf Royale 21-7-14, or 15-15-15. These can be applied in low nitrogen doses and will keep your lawn dark green (1.5 qts/1000 SF).
4. If you have standing water it’s a great time to aerify so you can help air and water better infiltrate the soil.
5. Increase your mowing frequency to two times per week to reduce turf canopy.
6. Gradually back off the water in April and May to stress out the ryegrass when soil temperatures reach 64 degrees. Turning off the water completely will stress out warm season turf and ryegrass. Use 70% of your normal water rate.
7. When soil temperatures reach 64 degrees apply Soil Burst 4-4-2 at 20 pounds per 1000 SF to give the grass a jump start on the year.
8. Most of all, enjoy the beautiful summer lawn!
Finally, remember everyone will go through this painful process including high end million dollar golf courses, so don’t worry about seeing some brown grass.
Until next time,
Our beautiful bermuda out at Coachella!