Quick Lawn Tip
My quick tip of the week is to not to let the dead ryegrass remain around in your lawn and take up valuable space that could be occupied by bermudagrass or paspalum. It may seems like the summer is an awful time for grass to grow in the desert but it loves the heat and it can’t wait for the little bit of humidity we get to arrive. Read the rest of this entry »
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"TIP OF THE WEEK"–Clear Out the Dead Grass!
My quick tip of the week is to not to let the dead ryegrass remain around in your lawn and take up valuable space that could be occupied by bermudagrass or paspalum. Read the rest of this entry »
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How to prep & install your new lawn + GRASS TIP OF THE WEEK!
The preparation of your soil is as important as the quality of the sod you put down. If your ground is not prepped right to begin with, you can anticipate several problems down the road. I am going to lay out a few easy steps for you to follow to make sure that your ground is ready to go for sod. Read the rest of this entry »
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Does your Arizona Lawn Resemble a Sponge When You Walk On It?
As we warm up for the Arizona summer, our grass begins to start aggressively growing. It is important to keep it check and not get carried away with the water and fertilizer. If you are out walking around your lawn and it feels like you are walking on a nice cushy sponge, and it has become increasing difficult to mow your lawn without scalping, you can easily conclude that there is a thatch problem. Read the rest of this entry »
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Sod vs. Seed vs. Stolons For Your New Lawn
I have received a few questions asking about what the best way to repair their lawn or what is or a cheaper alternative to sod. I’m going to tell you the differences between sod, stolons and seed, and let you make an educated decision about how you would like to proceed on your own. Read the rest of this entry »
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You may not be excited for 110 degrees, but your lawn is!
Yes, that is the title for my blog this week. I would agree that no one looks forward to the extreme heat, but there is nothing better to help get rid of any remaining transition issues out there. If you have stubborn ryegrass that has been sticking around despite your low mowing heights and reduction of watering, a few good days above 110 degrees should take care of those issues. Read the rest of this entry »
June's FAQ Regarding Your Lawn
Everyone seems to be asking the same questions about their lawns about now. Here are the questions, and my answers. I’ll do my best to help you have the healthiest lawn in the neighborhood! Read the rest of this entry »
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