Do You Need Help Selecting a Turfgrass?/When to use Soil Burst/Nanny Goat 12 Hour Run
If you are new to the southwest and have some questions regarding your lawn then you are in the right place. I try and give my readers weekly updates and a little bit of turf knowledge that can help them make an informed decision about which product to buy or how to grow your lawn properly. Believe it or not we are in the best time of the year to put sod down because you are giving your grass optimal weather and well over 100 growing days to get your lawn established.
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It's Officially Transition Time For Your Lawn!
Our 4 weeks of spring are coming to an end as the forecast appears to be touching close to 100 degrees for the next week. I am being hopeful when I say that it is only for the next week, but most likely the cooler weather is behind us, the soil temperature is going to rise quickly. It will be bermuda/paspalum season before we know it.
The soil temperature is still hovering right around 60 degrees so we have not seen an excessive amount of growth with our warm season grasses, but I am sure most people are starting to see their lawns green up quickly. If you did not overseed this past year and your lawn is a little behind on color the answer is fertilizer. The Soil Burst starter 5-15-10 is your answer because we are looking to warm up the soil and using this dark pelletized granular will get you going in the right direction. The magnesium, calcium, and iron will give your lawn a great kick start and get it ready for the growing season as it begins to arrive. The nice part of using a slow release product like this is that you can expect to receive 4-6 weeks of results. Read the rest of this entry »
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