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California Sod Landscaping Ideas

Landscaping with California Sod

California Sod

Creating the perfect landscape in California can pose quite the challenge. With a vast spectrum of climates and soil composition, finding the right California sod variety that can thrive in your location may require some careful decision making. Some parts of California require a durable warm-season turfgrass variety while others prefer a cool-season variety. The type of California sod you choose and the area you’re looking to cover will ultimately shape the overall appearance of your home’s landscape. Read the rest of this entry »

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Sod Lawn Care Tip: Winter Watering Schedule 

Preparing your Lawn for Winter


winter watering

Winter in California and Arizona is definitely unique. For many lucky residents in these states winter still means sunny days and lush green lawns. However, as the weather gradually begins cooling down, it’s time to start preparing your California and Arizona lawns for the cooler weather. This preparation is especially important when it comes to watering your lawn. To help, our Arizona sod experts have provided some winter watering tips to keep your lawn green while also being water wise.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Surviving Winter – Cool Season Turf Diseases

Prepare your Lawn for Winter


turf diseases

Fall is upon us, your home and your lawn is ready for cooler weather, and you’ve followed all our guides to properly overseeding your lawn. So, what’s next on your lawn care list? We’re here to tell you, it’s time to begin winter disease watch! There are numerous varieties of turf diseases that can grab hold of your turf during fall or emerge during winter.

Being able to properly identify these turf diseases will better equip you to fight them off and keep your California and Arizona lawns healthy and green all year long. Take a look at some of these cool-season turf diseases, and remember to stay vigilant this winter. Read the rest of this entry »

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Fall California and Arizona Lawn Care

Time to Tune Up Your Turf


Arizona Lawn Care

Fall is the perfect time to fine tune your lawn. By preparing your warm season turfgrass for dormancy and overseeding with ryegrass for the cool season, you can take the necessary steps to ensure your lawn stays green throughout the holidays and into spring. If you’ve already overseeded, or are still planning to overseed then these Arizona lawn care tips will help you make the most of your lawn this fall.

We’re filling you in on the best way to fertilize, water, mow and maintain both your cool season turf and your dormant warm season sod. Read the rest of this entry »

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Halloween Lawn Decorations That Protect Your Turfgrass

Outdoor Halloween Decorations That Won’t Damage Your Turfgrass


halloween lawn decorations

Halloween is right around the corner, which means, it’s time to start getting out the end of year decorations. However, if you just overseeded your lawn for the fall, you’re probably wondering how you can decorate without damaging your newly seeded lawn. Before you get out the graveyard scene and inflatable pumpkins, consider how you can protect your newly overseeded turf from damage by taking a more strategic approach to decorating this year.There are a variety of options for Halloween lawn decorations that will preserve the health of your turfgrass. Read the rest of this entry »

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Sod for Baseball Fields

Batter up!


sod for baseball fields - athletic field

With baseball season going in post season, you may be wondering, how do they keep the grass so green? Despite heavy foot traffic, unruly weather conditions and off-season use, baseball fields are notoriously known for their prestigious presentation. The main cause for the luscious green appearance of the field obviously comes from proper field maintenance, but the bigger, more important factor starts with the type of sod used on the field itself. There are four types of sod for baseball fields that are commonly found throughout MLB stadiums. See which varieties made the list for most popular turgrasses in the major leagues. Read the rest of this entry »

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Arizona Sod for Golf Clubs

The Best Turfgrass for your Golf Course


Sod for Golf Clubs

When it comes to cultivating a luscious green golf course year-round, there’s no easy solution. It takes a groundskeeper and a dedicated commitment to maintenance to achieve a healthy course that can endure the yearlong golf season. For best results, most golf courses tend to use a mix of turfgrasses. Read below for our favorite types of sod for golf clubs. Read the rest of this entry »

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Signs your Lawn is Drought Stressed

Heat Stress or Drought Stress?


Drought Stressed or Heat Stressed

There are two general environmental stresses that can affect lawns during the summer: heat stress and drought stress. Depending on conditions, your turfgrass could have one, the other or both at the same time. Understanding the difference between the two, what they look like and how to respond to them accordingly will help you prevent the potential long-term damage that they cause. We will mainly focus on dealing with a drought stressed lawn, however our turf experts want to provide you with an understanding of both. Read the rest of this entry »

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Summer Watering Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Save time and Money with Proper Summer Watering


summer watering sod


Did you know: more lawns are killed each summer from over-watering than under-watering? Unlike people, your turfgrass doesn’t need 8 glasses of water a day. Even if it’s upwards of one hundred degrees outside. How often your lawn needs water depends on various factors such as soil type, amount of sunlight, grass type and regional climate. However, on average, most lawns need an inch to an inch and a half of water per week to stay lush and green. Before you set your lawn’s summer watering scheduling, read through these tips provided by our California and Arizona sod experts. Read the rest of this entry »

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Selecting the Right California Sod Variety

Which California Sod is Best?


California Sod

Unfortunately, every grass expert will have a different answer to such a loaded question. With so many different varieties of warm season turfgrasses available, choosing the one that’s the best fit for your lawn may be easier said than done. The best way to decide which California Sod variety is the right choice for lawn is through a bit of research.

When reading through the large varieties of warm-season grasses, consider how much time you want to invest in maintaining your lawn and what type of durability it’ll need to have. Once you know the answer to those two main questions, choosing the right California Sod type will become a lot easier. To help you with the process, we’ve included some information about some of the most popular California Sod varieties available. Read the rest of this entry »

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