I have written about the seashore paspalums in past blogs, but I think it’s important that I go over the information again.  It’s December 1st –what does your dormant turf look like? I’m pretty sure that many of you are looking at a yellow brown surface for the rest of the winter, while those of us with paspalum are still looking at a perfect lawn.  While overseeding is a way of keeping color throughout the year it is not always kind to the wallet and water budget.

Let me ask you a few questions before I proceed…..

  • Would you be interested in a grass that can be mowed from 1/10th of an inch all the way to 2 inches and still maintain consistent color and a dense stand of turf?
  • Do you want your dormant turf to stay green 4-6 weeks longer, and green up 4-6 weeks sooner?
  • Are you tired of buying and applying fertilizer?
  • Is your water clean or is it high in salts?
  • Do you want a grass that can be overseeded with ease, and recover quicker in the spring than bermuda?

If you answered yes to these questions, then seashore paspalum is for you.  I wanted to write just a short blog today, and attach some pictures of what the paspalum looks like as of today–December 1st.  I have also attached a link to the spec sheet on seashore paspalum on our website.

Click here to take a look and let me know what you think……


