Wondering which grass is "greener?" Try some Seashore Paspalum!
Since the Michigan game was a complete sleeper over the “powerhouse” known as Delaware State, I decided to check my inbox and see what people are asking questions about…..
Over the weekend I had several people wondering what the best option for grass is if they don’t want to overseed. There are a couple of choices. One is letting your bermudagrass just go dormant, and water every couple of weeks to keep moisture in the plant. Or, you can decide to “Go Green,” and use one of West Coast Turf/Western Sod’s new “seashore paspalum” varieties. Right now we are growing Sea Spray and Sea Isle 1.
It’s important to all of us to do our part to help the environment, and that’s why seashore paspalum is the next big thing. Paspalums are different from bermudagrasses in that they are more drought tolerant, and–for lack of a description–they despise fertilizer. They also stay green on average 6 weeks longer in the fall, and green up and transition much faster than any of the bermudagrasses in the spring. If you are asking yourself “why we are just promoting it now?,” well that is because we have spent a few years making sure they transition, how they overwinter, and finding out what the best way is to maintain the grass. We wanted to make sure we sell you something that works. This works! I have some in my yard, and I love it (so do my 3 bull dogs).
Paspalums are designed to handle grass areas that are high in salts, and for people that use effluent water. Since the water quality in Arizona tends to be high in salts and PH, this grass is a perfect fit. We’re seeing several bermudagrass areas starting to shut it down for the winter while the paspalum just continues to stay green. This is a grass that you will only have to use 2 pounds of nitrogen per year versus 8 pounds per 1000 sq. ft. for bermuda. The best fertilizers to use are organic fertilizers, and they can be applied once in the spring and once in the fall. That means less fertilizer leaching, and a grass that is easy to maintain. Plus it’s great for the environment. Does it get any better than that?
I have put in some pictures of what the paspalum sod currently looks like in Arizona. If you take a look at my second picture you can see the paspalum up next to bermudagrass at the University of Arizona Mall. The paspalum has kept its color a lot better into October.
You can see me talking about Sea Spray with “The Garden Guy” from channel 3 by click this link here “Save Money w/Sod.”
Well that’s all for today! Please send me your questions, pictures, or any topics you’d like me to cover. Nothing makes me happier than helping you have a healthy lawn (well, maybe a few things make me happier, but I like your lawn, too). Remember– “Life is short. Sod it!”