After the segment on “Good Morning Arizona” yesterday,  we received several questions about paspalum.  Most of them were asking if it’s right for everyone’s lawns or just select locations.  I am going to give the bullet points to paspalum here today, and then if you have any additional questions please email me.  I have also attached the maintenance guide for paspalum below and you will quickly see that it is quite different from bermudagrass.

1) Sea Spray has a dark green color with a medium fine leaf texture.  The leaf has waxy appearance and shine so it seems to have a wet look to the leaf blade. 

2) Platinum TE Paspalum has a fine leaf blade with a dark green color, and has the same waxy leaf appearance as Sea Spray

3) Can handle a pH range of 4.5-9.0  (Arizona and California soils are definitely on the higher end and loaded with salts)

4) Can tolerate salinity up to 3500 PPM

5) Dormancy period is 2-3 months vs. 4-5 months for bermudagrass.  It can be overseeded, but for the ultimate in water savings let it go through the quick dormancy period.

6) Prefers “organic fertilizers” and does not react well to synthetic fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate

7) Try “The Garden Guy’s”  extreme organic fertilizers at www.gardenguy.comor Milorganite

8 ) Uses only 2-3 pounds of nitrogen per year versus 6-8 pounds per year for bermudagrass

9) Tolerates reclaimed, effluent water high in salts

10) It is not a shade tolerant grass, but can handle low light better than most grasses.  Low light would indicate foggy conditions typical of San Diego in June.

11) Seed is available to strengthen or fix weak areas in the sod for Sea Spray seashore paspalum, but not Platinum paspalum

12) There are a few types available currently (Sea Spray, Platinum TE, and Sea Isle 1)

13) Platinum TE will be available July 1st, 2010 and exhibits all the characteristics of Sea Spray, but it can be maintained as low as 1/10th  of an inch and as high as 2 inches.  Sea Spray should be maintained between ¼ inch and 2 inches

14) Light dethatching should be done each season to improve growth, stolon activity, and allow for better water infiltration

15) Apply late fall and early spring applications of organic fertilizers and sea weed extracts to maintain good winter color and allow for a quicker spring green up.

Here are some pictures of the Sea Spray and Platinum so you can take a look for yourself.





And here are the maintenance tips for paspalums:

Here’s the link again for yesterday’s piece on “Good Morning Arizona” in case you missed it.—-Now-is-the-time-to-sod-your-yard-92983484.html

