Year Round Lawn Fertilizer Schedules/Lean Horse 100
I have had a lot of requests lately to post some updated versions of an optimal fertilizer program and to tailor it to bermudagrass and paspalum, so I will lay out a monthly plan for everyone to follow. I have added a few agronomic practices that should be done during certain time periods. As you read through the lists I am not saying to aerify or verticut every month but giving you good windows to do each. Read the rest of this entry »
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Turf Updates–Get Ready for Overseeding
It is hard to believe that we are already at August 1st and the overseeding season is right around the corner. Yeah I just said that! I know you’re looking outside at the lovely 110 degree temperatures thinking I’m nuts for talking about overseeding, but the truth is now is the time to start preparing your lawn for the season. Read the rest of this entry »
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