Frequently Asked Questions About Overseeding Your Warm Season Lawn
Now that we’re into October it’s time to get the overseeding of your warm season grass process started. I wanted to pass along some of the most frequently asked questions during this time of the year.
When is the best time to start overseeding?
Ideally overseeding should be done when nighttime temperatures are consistently in the 60’s. Usually this will be in October. There will be some higher and lower than normal temperatures, but anytime during October is good.
How low do I need to scalp the grass prior to seeding?
Height of cut isn’t as important as opening the turf canopy. The shorter you mow the grass, the tighter the turf canopy will be which will result in the need to verticut more aggressively. I recommend not going lower than ½”. There is no need to take the lawn to the dirt or you will cause long term problems to the grass plant.
Cold temps and your lawn……
While the rest of the country is enduring several feet of snow this week, the desert Southwest is being hit with a pretty good freeze. It isn’t too common to see temperatures that only reach into the high 10’s and low 20’s, but we have been getting a few days of that midwestern weather and it appears we will have a couple more days before relief comes this weekend.
I have received quite a few emails regarding turf conditions and potential issues with ice and the hard freeze since the weather reports came out the other day so I just wanted to write a short blog today telling you not to worry. Read the rest of this entry »
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Will You Be Overseeding Your Warm Season Grass This Fall? PLUS–LAWN "TIP OF THE WEEK!"
I know that the temperature is still well into the 100’s right now and overseeding your Arizona lawn is the last thing on your mind, but it is time to start to think about what you’re going to do this fall. You need to ask yourself a few basic questions because they will dictate how you maintain your lawn between now and then. Overseeding is not a cut and dry practice, nor is it for everyone. Is overseeding is for you? Read the rest of this entry »
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You may not be excited for 110 degrees, but your lawn is!
Yes, that is the title for my blog this week. I would agree that no one looks forward to the extreme heat, but there is nothing better to help get rid of any remaining transition issues out there. If you have stubborn ryegrass that has been sticking around despite your low mowing heights and reduction of watering, a few good days above 110 degrees should take care of those issues. Read the rest of this entry »
What grass is right for you?
I am often asked what is the best grass to put in a home lawn. The answer is that there’s not one grass that will be perfect for every situation or house. There are so many different types of sod, and there’s a grass for every situation whether you have shade, sun, high salts, etc. I am going to go over some of the most popular types of grass used in Arizona and California to help aid in your decision process. Read the rest of this entry »
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Controlling weeds in your lawn
Our recent rain storms have been great to help move the salts through the soil, and provide our grass with the best kind of irrigation out there. But it also means that we will start to see our weeds emerge from the ground. Not good if you want to have the best sodded lawn in California! Read the rest of this entry »
Welcome to West Coast Turf/Western Sod’s New Blog
We’re excited to launch our new sod blog!
Our turfgrass expert is Jay Danek. We decided to call him “Mr. Wise Grass” (a term of endearment!) as we think he knows it all when it comes to your turf–and probably does! Jay will be regularly posting tips, advice, and his insights on what to do to keep your sod looking the best in California, Arizona, and Nevada.
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