Will You Be Overseeding Your Warm Season Grass This Fall? PLUS–LAWN "TIP OF THE WEEK!"
I know that the temperature is still well into the 100’s right now and overseeding your Arizona lawn is the last thing on your mind, but it is time to start to think about what you’re going to do this fall. You need to ask yourself a few basic questions because they will dictate how you maintain your lawn between now and then. Overseeding is not a cut and dry practice, nor is it for everyone. Is overseeding is for you? Read the rest of this entry »
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What grass is right for you?
I am often asked what is the best grass to put in a home lawn. The answer is that there’s not one grass that will be perfect for every situation or house. There are so many different types of sod, and there’s a grass for every situation whether you have shade, sun, high salts, etc. I am going to go over some of the most popular types of grass used in Arizona and California to help aid in your decision process. Read the rest of this entry »
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BOBSod takes lawns "Big League!"
I am up a little early this Saturday morning preparing for a huge day of college football. I am also fielding several calls and e-mails about our BOBSod from the special that aired on FOX 10 last night. People get excited about their lawns, and their ability to have what the D-backs have on their own lawns. You can click on the photo above to check out the piece for yourself…..
Let me tell you a little bit about the BOBSod, Read the rest of this entry »
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Welcome to West Coast Turf/Western Sod’s New Blog
We’re excited to launch our new sod blog!
Our turfgrass expert is Jay Danek. We decided to call him “Mr. Wise Grass” (a term of endearment!) as we think he knows it all when it comes to your turf–and probably does! Jay will be regularly posting tips, advice, and his insights on what to do to keep your sod looking the best in California, Arizona, and Nevada.
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