BOBSod takes lawns "Big League!"
I am up a little early this Saturday morning preparing for a huge day of college football. I am also fielding several calls and e-mails about our BOBSod from the special that aired on FOX 10 last night. People get excited about their lawns, and their ability to have what the D-backs have on their own lawns. You can click on the photo above to check out the piece for yourself…..
Let me tell you a little bit about the BOBSod, Read the rest of this entry »
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Who is Jay Danek and why is he our “sod expert?”
Since this is my first blog, I think it’s important to introduce myself, and give you my background in the turf industry.
As you can see, they have deemed me “Mr. Wise Grass,” as I possess some knowledge that might seem silly to the average person regarding grass, but on the same token it’s very useful when we discuss the health of your lawn.
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