What Am I Thinking?!/Overseeding UR Lawn/College Football Week 3
As the weekend draws closer my nerves are starting to rise and it’s not because it is time almost time to overseed your lawn (but we’ll discuss that!) or that another Division II school is coming to Ann Arbor to embarrass my Wolverines (we’ll talk about that, too!). This weekend I will be running in my first “Ultra Marathon” and the goal is to complete 46.2 miles (75K). Read the rest of this entry »
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Overseeding Your Lawn–PLUS “TIP OF THE WEEK” & College Football Week 2
As we inch closer to temperatures that are in the overseeding range, it’s important to be ready and prepared for the process. I am going to draw out a step-by-step process for you today on how to overseed, and attach a short video on doing so. I think everyone can have a successful lawn this winter, and next summer if you follow these instructions. A thriving overseed can be accomplished when the nighttime temperatures are in the 60’s, high quality seed is used, and you don’t get too aggressive with the scalping of the lawn. Read the rest of this entry »
Time to Renovate Your Lawn! PLUS “TIP OF THE WEEK” & College Football Week 1
Have you put off installing grass over the last few seasons or has your turf become a little weak over time? Did you know that there is not a bad time in the southwest to renovate your lawn. We are lucky to have a year round grass season here and there are several options depending on what works best for you.
While you often see most golf courses and landscaping jobs installing the majority of their grass in the summer months, it is attributed to a slower time of the year for them. There is very little play on a golf course during the summer months and it allows them to tear up areas and redo them before the majority of people come back to the club for the season. The other reason we often see summer renovations is because it is optimal bermudagrass and paspalum planting weather, and before they get golf cart traffic, players, and the everyday wear and tear it is necessary to have a nice bermudagrass or paspalum base. Golf courses can struggle a little bit with overseeded grass because of the traffic, while homeowners don’t have to deal with these issues. So why do I bring all that up? My point is that when these projects are not going on in the summer it leaves many more contractors available to do good quality work at your home. Read the rest of this entry »
Fall Overseeding Checklist–PLUS “TIP OF THE WEEK!”
We have not even begun to cool down, but it is time to put together your checklist of products you are going to need if you plan on overseeding your warm season lawn come October. If you still need to decide if overseeding is for you, please check back to my last blog. It’ll help with that decision.
I will give a detailed plan on how to overseed as we get a little closer, but here is a list of items to pick up at the store this Labor Day weekend. These are just recommendations, and the exact fertilizer numbers can vary, but it is best to keep your analysis in the range I provide. If you are in Arizona, I will be discussing this information with ”The Garden Guy” on Saturday as well between 9-11 am on Channel 3. Enjoy your weekend and GO BLUE! Read the rest of this entry »